Learn why the world is entering a golden age and why it is beneficial to begin living as if you are already there.

There are four major indicators that the world is entering a golden age:

1) It is always darkest before the dawn, and humanity is unquestionably in the midst of the darkest hour that precedes the rising sun.

2) There is a concerted effort to invalidate everything related to God or anything of true worth. This is what many people refer to as the Antichrist in action.

3) Ancient prophecies pointing at his period are coming true.

4) God, family and nation loving people are sick and tired of corruption.

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Hi and welcome!

My name is Ruth Rosa.  I am a God-loving woman who is convinced the world is definitely heading to a place of peace and true prosperity.

My greatest privilege in life has been becoming a mother and knowing that there is a God and a divine purpose for everyone who sincerely seeks it.

I've made it my mission to nurture my daughter in an environment where optimism and faith in a better world are not only prevalent, but can become a tangible goal for those who still believe great things are always attainable.

About Ruth

I've always felt a deep soul connection to life, nature, God, and anything that related to the divine aspect of things. As a result, I've spent the last 30 years engaged in the various philosophies found in the field of metaphysics, such as spiritual science, with a special emphasis on astrology and astrotheology.

The more I learn about those realms, the closer I come to God, to myself and life!

A special invitation

Today, I'd like to extend to you a very special invitation. I'd want to connect with individuals who are already looking to broaden their life's perspectives beyond where they are now.

To those people, I like to share some exciting news about a project that has the potential to exponentially awaken dormant areas in our very polluted magnetic field.

Join me!

Thank you!
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