Our mission is to assist you in making a

smooth transition to the next
'golden age'.

In order to accomplish this, we act as a temporary compass
that you will outgrow once you find your true north.

The key to resolving any chaos is to remember that beneath any confusion
lies an order capable of reorienting the mind toward an effective solution.

Carl Jung once said that:

“In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

You will discover the path leading to the incoming golden age in addition to learning to identify your true north using our life orienteering systems

Yes, you read that correctly; a golden age is upon us!

During these trying times, we are here to serve as a
temporary compass that points at the cosmos evolving in every ongoing chaos.

We will assist you to successfully navigate the greatest

cyclical transition humanity has ever experienced!

If what you just read astonished you, please keep reading because you also need to know that a collapse takes place before we enter that untapped zone known as humanity's spiritual peak.

With the ongoing chaos and its inevitable crisis and repercussions impacting all levels of society, which may be severe, we all need some orientation about what's going on and, more significantly, how it can affect us and what to do about it.

Is there anything we can do to assist ourselves and others
in this challenging cyclical transition?

What can we do to get prepared?

There are a numerous things we can do to assist ourselves and others during these difficult times.

One of the most important things we must do is spiritually prepare ourselves. Bringing our emotions, mind, soul, and body together under one banner that announces our allegiance to everything good, honest, and beautiful is critical to stay functional.


 When you join Astrology of a Golden Age, you will gain access to knowledge that challenges any belief you may hold against the idea that a golden age is a fairy tale told to entertain with false hopes people.  We are going to

 As you begin to learn to negotiate all of the elements that mark the dawning of a golden age, you are also setting yourself in a unique position that few people get the opportunity to be in.

 If you ever thought that attaining a spiritual peak on a personal or global level was impossible, prepare to have that misconception debunked by yourself!

You will be able to declare in six months, or at the end of your first cycle with us, that the current state of the world is not only cyclical in character, but also biblical!

 The best part is that you will begin adopting concepts that teach you how to live in an actual state of abundance supported by natural laws.

 By the end of the first cycle of this membership, you will have a thorough understanding of what abundance is, why we are meant to live by its principles, and why those principles govern a golden age.


At Life Orienteers, we analogize the current situation of the world to a dot that has stretched past its elastic capacity and must now rebound to its original size, consistency, and shape.

The lack of flexibility of the dot as it retreats can be so severe that the recoil becomes unstable and sometimes collapses. Nonetheless, the entire fabric of the dot has retained the memory of its earlier form, making a return to its origins inevitable.

Right now the dot is mind

What do we do exactly?

Life Orienteers provide all of the inspiration, encouragement, support, and vision required to live a life free of confusion, limitations, and self-doubt about our true potential as human beings.

How do we do that?

We accomplish this by delivering information that is guided by natural laws!



That path will eventually lead you to your true north or golden age!

Serving as a temporary compass until you locate your true north!

Is a golden age truly on the way?

As difficult as it may appear to some of you to accept that a golden age is approaching when everything in the world suggests otherwise, I can firmly state that every unfolding event implies huge changes ahead.

Some may ask, and rightly so, where is the evidence that a golden age is coming?

The proof is written in a variety of formats and locations!

It's written in the stars.

They can also be found in the Bible and other sacred writings.

It is also recognized within the heart's wisdom!

In truth, it is hardly a secret to those paying attention.

For a long time, many of us have known that significant shifts were unavoidable and that, in the grand scheme of things, the cosmos would eventually return to order.

Large heading 1

Not only do we have a political and economic crisis like never before, but more importantly, we do have a profound moral problem affecting us all.

Why is the current moral quandary greater than any political or economic insecurity?

Because the underlying reasons for the current crisis are directly related to morality or the lack thereof, and people are noticing it!

You are cordially invited to join this exclusive Mastermind group as a founding member to better grasp the underlying natural and supernatural causes that result in a golden age.



Benefits of this Mastermind subscription plan

1) You are re-educating yourself by joining Astrology of the Golden Age!

Yes, indeed! A cleansing procedure from all you thought you knew is a must! Where humanity is headed, there is no place for the type of compliance we have so willingly entertained.

Knowledge about the workings and purpose of the universe will become essential in a golden age because it is that type of understanding that makes possible an era of abundance and connection to what is real.

As you progress through our broad content and support, you'll realize that no university or college can offer you the kind of transformation this membership provides at such a low rate.

2) By joining, you are putting yourself in a position that no one else can, at least not without the knowledge and support that we provide. You will discover that the knowledge you are gaining about yourself, the world, and the universe is only available to people who are already living in a golden age!

Don't delay, join us today!

Remember, everything included in
Astrology of a Golden Age
is just
$48.00 per month instead of
The regular price of $97.00 per month!

The regular price of $97 will soon replace the present offer, therefore we encourage you to jump on board so we can start navigating the deep and broad water oceans of truth together!

Are we going to bring current topics that concern us all?

a) Artificial Intelligence

When you join, you will be presented with several philosophical arguments predicting AI's failure. We will examine why AI is doomed and, more importantly, why it is a sign of a profound disconnection from reality. AI can only emerge when humanity separates itself from divine guidance. We will show why AI appears when the collective mind has not met its true potential. It is an attempt to substitute unmet virtues for bias. You are going to be guided through the many reasons why natural law does not allow the ultimate fulfillment of what is not accurate or not meant to be.

b) Why and how does mankind go through many cycles?

We look at this topic from various angles, but the critical sources of inspiration we employ are Astrology, Astrotheology, Sacred Geometry, and Gematria. We examine ancient principles that speak to us about a cosmos that most people have never heard of and what natural law reveals about their origin and purpose.

We are going to explore the basics principle of natural law

Whether you want to boost your career within the company you are working or grow at your own business by applying the latest strategies, this is the way. 

The importance of psychology

We are going to explore key aspects of Carl Jung proposed psychology with the aim to understand why this type of study of mind will dominate during a golden age.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Studying with us will help you learn how to create, capture and deliver value in a digital world. You'll leave with smart strategies to optimize your performance and satisfaction.

Natural Law

Learn what natural is and how to apply it.
Freedom is waiting for you!


Discover the basic principles of Carl Jung's psychology.


Fall in love with Prisca Theologia.

Bible interpretations

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.


Receive certificates by attending challenging courses. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.


Lots of payment options! Payment gateways usually charge fees, so check out the pricing of the payment gateway of your choice.
Bible interpretation
Are there some hidden meanings waiting to be discovered in the Holy Bible?
Equilibrium is key to live a life in harmony with natural laws. Find out how you can achieve balance.


Equilibrium is key to live a life in harmony with natural laws. Find out how you can achieve balance.

Material you'll love

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.

Set and achieve goals

Receive certificates by attending challenging courses. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

Flexible payment options

Lots of payment options! Payment gateways usually charge fees, so check out the pricing of the payment gateway of your choice.

Ancient history

What secrets about the universe can we find in ancient temples and sites around the world?


Does astrology offers practical answers to our daily problems? Find out how astrology can help us.

Fen Shui

Is your environment in harmony with the frequencies of nature? If not, you cannot be in a state of abundance!

Material you'll love

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.

Set and achieve goals

Receive certificates by attending challenging courses. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

Flexible payment options

Lots of payment options! Payment gateways usually charge fees, so check out the pricing of the payment gateway of your choice.


Symbols, what are they?
Learn why everyone should understand the language of symbolism.

Natural living

Natural medicine.
The use and benefits of herbs. Love for all things natural.


We explore women's health and the real meaning of the divine feminine concept.

Does money grow on trees?

Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.

The compass

Receive certificates by attending challenging courses. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.


In a golden age, entrepreneurship is highly encouraged. Let's find out the difference between being an entrepreneur today and those dwelling in the peak of human consciousness

What is Abundance?

Symbols, what are they?
Learn why everyone should understand the language of symbolism.

The art of orientation

Is there more to the compass than what we know?
What exactly is the concept of orientation?



Video interactions, note-taking, interactive ebooks, self-assessment, certificates, SCORM and much more.

The role of America in a golden age

Receive certificates by attending challenging courses. Our students' success is our best asset in showing the quality of our training.

What is Abundance?

Symbols, what are they?
Learn why everyone should understand the language of symbolism.

The art of orientation

Is there more to the compass than what we know?
What exactly is the concept of orientation?


Get ready!
At the end of six month into your Mastermind subscription,
you will get access to a whole new level of Life Orienteering Masterclass absolutely FREE OF CHARGE!

Reclaim Your Magic!

Understand your soul powers.
Learn how to use them for health and prosperity

This four-week course consolidates what our members have assimilated over six months.

During this four week course, we are going to dive into

The total value of this four week course is $497.00.
For you, as a member of Astrology of a Golden Age,
would be FREE!



Our promise

We are committed to
A golden period is on the horizon whether you understand it or not, whether you agree with it or not!

The sooner you accept the idea of a golden age, the sooner you can become a part of the inevitable.

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The information in this page is being processed and encrypted securely using industry-leading encryption and fraud prevention tools.

Serving as a temporary compass until you locate
your true north!


Life Orienteers is an invitation to discover, to follow
and live in full your True North!

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