The Astrological Journal For The
21st Century Woman
A plan to follow the way of the heart
under the influences of the stars!
A one-of-a-kind coaching membership program for spiritual, awakened, and practical women who want to reconnect with themselves and the feminine principle on a whole new level.
Are you one of them?
A holistic approach to important matters!

A Life Orienteers initiative
Finally, an opportunity to explore into the inner universe
of the divine feminine principles under the influences of the stars!

Perhaps you, the woman who has dealt with disappointments, hurts, frustrations, and anxieties unique to women, have arrived at a place where all you want is to be that child who once dreamed of a better you and a better world!
You may be wondering why I'm bringing up the "inner child,"
and why I'm asking if, if you had the chance, you'd go back to childhood.
Your creative self is seeking ways to reconnect with your divine feminine!
Let's do it!
Let's do it!
I appreciate the guidance and love that you showed towards me during our sessions. I understand that ultimately, it is only up to ME alone to make and keep changes. I love the feminine and spiritual touch that Ruth brings forth and shared with me. It is a much needed connection! I did enjoy this very much, and be it little or big, I am extremely thankful to have had you guide me during such an important time in my life and during these times.
Yenisley Diaz
Kam Birdee-Wright
AuthorRuth Rosa
Study timeWeekly
PDFsSeveral in a month
Video timeOne per week
Become mindful of the divine feminine values within yourself!
Become an ambassadress
Enroll now! -
Live and recorded videos
Weekly content
Questions relevant to our studies -
Interact with the rest of goddesses
Nurture it
Be the originator, restorer, and preserver of higher ideals!
Being yourself!

Become a Founding Member today and enjoy the following benefits:
Do not miss!
This is not only...
...a golden opportunity to discover the inner universe of divine feminine principles; but it is also a chance to put neglected feminine ideals into action!
A description of the divine feminine principle:
What does it really mean the idea of the divine feminine principle?
Does it even exists? And if it does, what harm is causing by ignoring such principles?
The definition was aided by consulting natural and divine laws according to ancient instructions such as Hermetic philosophy, Gnostic and Christianity. -
Why are the divine feminine principles making a comeback on Earth?
We look into the causes that contribute to the revival of divine feminine ideals.
Learn to read the signs indicating drastic changes around the world and what is foretelling us about the coming of the divine feminine principles. If you're concerned about current world events, you're probably also concerned about the situation's potential ramifications. Energy and food prices are now rising, and all indications are that this trend will continue.
Listen to your intuition if it tells you it's time to get ready. -
Why is it critical that women who are aware of the decline of core values participate in the process of integrating divine feminine principles into their lives?
We are going to look at some fundamental notions of the law of cause and effect. We will discover why we are reaping what we have sowed in previous generations and why the time has come to correct the many mistakes we have allowed to take place.
We are going to learn why a healthy home is the perfect microcosmic representation of what we call government. The home is either the preparation for a tyrannical government or a just and loving one. -
What you, as an aware woman, can do to begin restoring divine feminine principles in your life?
Get ready!
This is the phase of the membership program when your intrinsic divine feminine artistic abilities will be summoned!
At this stage in the program, I will encourage you to consider about the numerous options available to a woman seeking to heal and then express her divine feminine image.
It is here that we will dive into the boundless possibilities of practical yet necessary skills! -
The seven ways to assisting the Goddess inside you to come into being:
Discover why the divine feminine principles are the main
source and 'driver' of all forms of creativity
source and 'driver' of all forms of creativity
The following are introductions to fundamental skills that will be delivered to all of our founding members on a weekly basis.

I could give you a hundred of reasons why you should not miss out on this membership program, but today there are just three that should be enough to persuade you joining. They are as follows:
Love for yourself. Love for your family. Love for your country!
Are you ready to let the divine feminine power that is within you to come to light?
This is the best time in our contemporary history to resurrect the divine feminine values, and there has never been a better opportunity to do so. Make use of this membership to inspire you on a new and deeper level, allowing you to express your creative abilities in a clear and meaningful way.
What is the ultimate aim of this membership?
Who is the ideal audience for this program?
There is a Venus in you waiting to be born.
Don't delay the birth!
The Astrological Journal for the 21st Woman's principal objective is to give a goldmine of information to women who are reimagining feminine values in life. However, those women may be struggling with how to revalue, reinterpret, revive and reintegrate the divine feminine in a way that their inner child can comprehend and accept in the most natural and practical manner imaginable.

What's included?
Videos: Live and recorded
Access to an online astrological calendar
Written content
Content resources
Community interaction
Questions & Answers
The opportunity to be part of our 'Board of Content Creators' and an 'Ambassadress'
Lots of fun and feminine high energy!
Celebrations! Let's celebrate our achievements. (Live Zoom Event)
Start leaning how to locate the feminine True North!
Be the change you want to see in the world!
Frequently asked questions
FAQ 1. How will the content be organized?
FAQ 2. Will I be inundated with information?
I make certain that the amount of material is always balanced and not excessive.
FAQ 3. Is the membership available all year round?
We'll be off for one month.
To keep your founding member benefits, a $3.00 fee will be charged for the one month we are closed, following which the usual price of $21.00 will be resumed. Throughout that month, we will publish details on the upcoming reopening.
FAQ 4. Is it possible to cancel my membership?
FAQ 4. What is the membership fee for non-founding members?
FAQ 5. Will my founding membership fee increase?
FAQ 6. When will I be able to view the content?
When you join, you will get a welcome letter displaying the Minerva Seal of Honor, as well as instructions on what to do and where to go once we are fully open.
The content will be accessible on the 28th of May.
FAQ 7. Will I be able to become a founder member in the future if I don't join now?
This is the only given opportunity to join as a founding member!
FAQ 8. When joining, would I receive full courses on each of the seven main topics covered in the membership?
FAQ 9. What is an 'Ambassadress'?
In the first few months of 2023, it is hoped that this project will be launched.

Ruth Rosa
At the core of my being is the call to nurture. I seek creative, natural, meaningful, spiritual and practical but effective ways to reclaim our innate natural state of being, one of authority in relation to Natural Laws and to the Laws of God.
I am here to orient you by first helping you to locate your internal compass, then learn how to employ it to navigate across the ‘unfamiliar’ and often difficult terrain that we call ‘everyday life’.
I will
assist you in ordering it correctly, in the way Nature intended, in
coordination with the movements and aims of the Cosmos!
I believe when we re-establish our true position within the circle of life, our innate healing powers start expressing itself and the inevitable happens, a true connection with the environment in each present moment. If this idea of connection with life and nature also inspires and motivates you, then join this great spiritual adventure with us.